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Character expectations

Some characters, races, classes, or afflictions will have additional restrictions and expectations applied to them to ensure that the continuity and immersion of the setting is maintained. Certain classes, such as divine casters, have additional systems in place that will be outlined below.

Ability Score Improvement

 Increase one of your attributes by 1. This cannot be the attribute you increased at 10th level.



Gain a +5 bonus to your initiative.​



Standing up from prone only costs you 1 tile of movement. Climbing does not cost you extra movement.​



When you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack or to shove a creature. You must move at least 4 tile in a straight line immediately before taking this bonus action and you gain a +2 to hit until the start of your next turn.​


Fighting Initiate

Your martial training has helped you develop a particular style of fighting. As a result, you learn one Fighting Style option of your choice.​


Archery - Gain a +2 bonus to To Hit (Ranged) when using ranged weapons. (Does not stack with Bracers of Archery)


Defense - Gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class. (Does not stack with Protection Items)


Dueling - Gain a +2 bonus to damage when using a one handed weapon and no off handed weapon.


Great Weapon Fighting - Gain +2 bonus damage to two handed weapon attacks with the Heavy property.


Protection - As a reaction, when a target within 1 tile of you is hit with an attack you may impose disadvantage on that attack (-2) and possibly make it miss. (Requires a Shield)


Two Weapon Fighting - Off hand attacks add Strength, or Dexterity if Finesse, to their damage.


Great Weapon Master

Once per turn, before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +5 to the attack's damage.​



As an action, you may use a Surgeon's Kit and 1 Medical Supplies to tend to a creature and restore 2d6 + 4 hit points plus your Medicine score. A creature cannot be healed this way again until finishing a long rest.​ You must have Medicine Proficiency to take this Feat.



You learn two languages of your choice.​



You're extremely lucky. You may spent a luck point before making an attack to gain a +2 hit bonus for that attack.​


Mage Slayer

When a creature within 1 tile of you casts a spell, you may use your reaction to make a single weapon attack against the target.

If the spell is a teleport and the target is outside of your attack range after the cast you may not make this attack.


Shield Master

When you make an attack on your turn you may use your bonus action to try and shove the creature. They must succeed a Strength Saving Throw or be moved back 1 tile.

If you are not stunned, you add +2 to your Dexterity Saving Throw.



​You gain proficiency in three skills you do not all already have proficiency in.​



You gain 20/15/10 hit points based on your classes hit point maximum. (Before CON)

Less than 99: 20
100 - 109: 15
110+: 10


War Caster

​When you have no weapons equipped and someone exits the tile around you, you may use your reaction to make an attack of opportunity against them using a cantrip. The target of the cantrip may only be a single target.​


Weapon Master

​You gain proficiency with three weapons of your choice.​​​


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